Copyright © 2025 Liofilchem srl - Tutti i diritti riservati - Privacy
Liofilchem is committed to respecting the privacy of its Site visitors. Many of the educational materials and programs on Liofilchem Site are designed to support your information and efficiency. Liofilchem recognizes that health information is very personal and needs to be kept confidential. This site is not designed to receive or store any confidential information. The information you provide while taking advantage of the content of our Web sites is kept confidential and is available only for your personal use. Liofilchem's goal in offering these tools is to provide a valuable service to help you meet your goals through information and the correct use of Liofilchem products.
Some of the information Liofilchem keeps on our Site is information that you volunteer to provide through registration, and some other information is collected automatically. Liofilchem collects only aggregate information concerning which pages you access or visit and any information volunteered by you, such as survey information and/or site registrations. Liofilchem analyzes only the aggregate information provided by you with the goal of improving the content and services offered by Liofilchem to customers.
Only when specifically requested by you, will the information Liofilchem collects be used to respond to your inquiries, fulfill e-mail messaging programs, and notify you about new content or services on our Site.
If you no longer wish to receive postal mailings and/or e-mails from Liofilchem or if you wish to correct or delete some of your personal information, please let us know by sending an e-mail and telling us you no longer wish to receive postal mail and/or e-mail from us or you wish to correct or delete some of your personal information. Please provide us with your exact name, postal address, and/or e-mail address. We will be sure your name is removed from our mailing list or your information modified as requested.
Liofilchem does not provide this data to third parties, except to employees, duly authorized representatives and agents that Liofilchem may engage to assist us or as required by law (such as reporting safety information to the Food and Drug Administration). For example, Liofilchem may provide data to an appropriate organization in order to complete a service or to assist us in reviewing the data. Any organization to which we provide such information is also required to keep your information confidential in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
COOKIESLiofilchem uses cookies, which are a type of small file that our site places on a user's computer hard drive via the Web browser if the browser preferences are set to allow them. Using cookies allows the Liofilchem Web site to recognize individual users' browsers and to collect and remember certain information. The information collected and preferences saved help Liofilchem to better understand its users, save preferences for subsequent visits, track advertising, and monitor site traffic and interactions, which allows Liofilchem to actively and continually improve the Web site.
In the event that Liofilchem contracts with third-party service providers in order to enhance understanding of our Web site users, the service providers are only permitted to use information collected via these cookies to assist us in conducting and improving our business.